Should kids (yes teenagers are kids!!!!) be having sex in high school? No. I don’t care if it “feels good”, “others are doing it” or what not. Procreation is what sex is for. But kids today are using it as another tool for neglecting their bodies. Here is my solution: No contraceptives given to kids …
I have a one track mind when it comes to my jazz music, the saxophone. While I primarily enjoy listening to artists that use the alto, but I will listen to any saxophonist. My playing of the alto sax is probably the main cause of why I am so insistent on buying sax albums. I …
2 Days no update
I did again, I didn’t keep it updated as often as I want to, It Just Happens That Way. So does life. And Mindi Abair I have to come realize is one of my favorite and most respected Saxophonist’s that I have in my collection. She ranks right up there with Dave Koz, John Coltrane …
Tropical Storm Frances
I know I said I would keep this updated but I am lazy, I think updated after the party the other night, just not since. I have been oline uploading photos to the gallery, and chatting on IRC. I know I don’t have life, well I do, just not much of one. With Frances coming …
I went to a Pimps & Hoes party tonight, for my roomies friends birthday. It was fun! I met alot of people, and managed to thouroughly disgust myself. Most women around here smoke, I don’t mean weed, I mean cigs. They are disgusting. I dislike smoking, and do not do it myself. SO I try …
While I’m sitting here wondering what to type, and knowing it should be about music, I feel compelled to talk about lyrics. Now most of the music that I listen to is lyric-less, mainly because it is jazz. But I do listen to other songs that have lyrics. If a song has lyrics, it is …
Life, Debt, and Religion
Apparently the association of debt doesn’t mean much to me… though for school I am starting to sink into it more and more. Not too much of a problem, as I will most likely be able to find a good job after I graduate in either the Criminal Justice, or the Computer Science Fields. If …
Lets see if I can’t keep this thing updated at least once a day, I missed yesterdays cause I went to the Multicutural Film Class, I also went to the 1st Recitation for the CGS3408. I consider it a waste of time unless I need help. The smaller class size makes it easier to ask …
The blog
Okay, I switched the blogging software for It doesn’t multiple blogs as of yet, but I don’t care. This is about My Opinions!!!!! The one I was using Plog, couldn’t group the dates together like bBlog can. So I had to switch. I might change to another blogging solution later on, if I don’t …
The Internet & My Politics
YAY…. they finally got the internet working at the apartment. I am online at home, no more sitting in the lounges when I don’t need to. Actually I will probably still stay there for a few hours each day. At least try to be social, and meet people. I am a loner by nature, an …